Joy; this is the highest frequency currently available to us next to Love.

I bring my mixture of skills as a trained teacher (PGCE), beautician and holistic therapist and as an intuitive, channel and Angelic Medium to bring a mixture of workshops, courses, meditations, retreats, holistic therapies and readings to you to help support you find the joy in your life.

After experiencing extreme postnatal depression after the birth of my two sons in Australia, I have a real passion to help support women through the different phases of a woman's life, honouring puberty through to menopause and spreading the knowledge that everyone deserves a good birth. My workshops, courses and therapies support this through my work with Women's circles, workshops, courses and holistic therapies such as sacral womb massage, flower essences and crystals and essential oils. I run retreats to connect more deeply to our feminine and Goddess nature.

Just as everyone deserves a good birth; so does every soul deserve a good death but this is a taboo subject in the West. Yet it is a very sacred and unique journey of the Soul and it should be treated with reverence. I work as a Soul Midwife to do just this using a variety of healing and methods complimented by crystals, flower essences and sacred essential oils to support the transitioning soul and the loved ones who are left to grieve their loss. It is very sacred and special work but brings great healing and comfort.

Finally, I run coaching sessions that are tailored to areas in life that you would like to work on transforming into your highest potential, using my intuitive abilities and drawing upon my vast wealth of a toolkit of modalities!

How best can I use my repertoire of skills to support you to live in the Joy vibration?