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Traditionally at this time of year, at Samhain or Halloween the Celts would turn inwards and start to look at what was inside of them in order to heal and integrate it so that when Beltane came they could start to manifest more clearly their hopes and desires. We will journey into our inner world and psyche with the help of six Dark Goddesses in order that when we emerge from our period of inner contemplation we are transformed for the better. The journey for the month includes a two hour workshop with myself to introduce and journey with the Goddess and you will be given a manual and a channeled essence from the Goddess herself. These are extremely powerful and help you work with the Goddess in whichever way she chooses to work with you for your Highest Good. You will have the support of myself and the lovely Caroline Mouran; A BACP qualified Counsellor. You will be part of a Whatsapp group where you may share and seek support for your journey.

  • Date:15/01/2024 07:30 PM - 15/01/2024 09:30 PM
  • Location Online (Map)
  • More Info:TN38 9RR



We next journey with Goddess Skadi who has stepped forward to help us deepen and continue the journey that Goddess Hecate initiated last month and was then followed by Goddess Medusa.  Goddess Skadi is the Goddess of Winter.  Are you ready to journey with her?